2022 Results: Qualifier 1 | Qualifier 2 | Qualifier 3 | Finals
2021 Results: Qualifier 1 | Qualifier 2 | Qualifier 3 | Finals
This event consists of 2 Qualifier Races & a Finals held in conjunction with Arrow Productions races
This is a 4D Hi Stakes challenge – splits will be half second split at each event with a 4D payout format
2 Runs are GUARANTEED with a qualifier entry fee, plus a chance at running in the finals
To advance to the finals, you must place Top 10 in any of the divisions in a qualifier.
You can only qualify to the finals the amount of times you’ve entered (example: You entered the challenge twice, giving you 2 spots to run in the finals should you place in the Top 10 in a division at a qualifier)
If a person who’s already qualified at an existing qualifier places again, that qualifier spot will drop down to the next person eligible
Each entry will be required to designate their horse’s name the day of each qualifier and finals race (Carry-overs/Carry-backs will be allowed at each event excluding the Futurity & Derby classes)
Entry Fees
Qualifier Entry - $525 Entry Fee ($25 online processing fee deducted)
1st Payment - $175 Due March 1st​
2nd Payment - $175 Due April 1st
3rd Payment - $175 Due May 1st
Late Entries for Qualifiers: accepted until May 15th - $25 Late Fee applied
Buy-In Entry - $860 Entry Fee
1st Payment - $215 Due May 15th​
2nd Payment - $215 Due June 15th
3rd Payment - $215 Due July 15th
4th Payment - $215 Due August 15th
Payment Options: All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE and cannot be transferred to a different rider
90% paid back from all entry fees received
10% of entry fee money is paid out at each qualifier race, adding up to 20% paid out at Qualifier races
80% of entry fee money is paid out at the Finals
4D Payout format (35% paid out in 1D, 30% paid out in 2D, 20% paid out in 3D, 15% paid out in 4D)
Spots paid out is determined by total number of entries
100+ Entries – Each qualifier pays out 4 spots in each division, and 8 spots in the finals in each division
50-100 Entries – Each qualifier pays out 3 spots in each division, and 6 spots in the finals in each division
1-50 Entries – Each qualifier pays out 2 spots in each division, and 4 spots in the finals in each division
Q: Can I carry my time into the Open’s or Futurity/Derby at the hosting events?
A: You will be allowed to carry your time into the Opens of each hosting event.
Q: Can I run a different horse at each qualifier?
A: Yes. You can run a different horse at each qualifier. You must designate the horse you are running at each qualifier and finals race the day of each event in the office by 12pm.
Q: Do I have to run at each qualifier once I’ve qualified?
A: You are not required to run at all the qualifier races. Once your entry is paid you can run at 1 race or all 3 if you choose.
Q: Does this payout at each race?
A: Yes, each qualifier will pay out as well as the finals. 10% of entry fees are paid out at each qualifier (30%) while 70% of the entry fee is paid out at the finals.